Blackfoot Concert

Blackfoot at Ballyorney Pub, Ft. Myers

Last night, I my son and friend to see Blackfoot at a local pub who was featuring 3 bands in their parking lot. We LOVE Blackfoot. My son takes lessons with the band’s manager, Eric and we support his efforts 100% by attending their local events.

Last night was their best show. Sean Chamber (lead singer/guitar), Tim Rossi (Lead guitar), Brian Carpenter (Bass) and Michael Cannizzaro (Drums) rocked the crowd for over an hour at the Ballyorney. From the moment they stepped on stage to the last note played, they gave a spectacular performance that had the crowd singing along, chanting and rockin’ out.

From the dueling guitars of Tim & Brian, a brilliant lead vocalist and great drum solo, they were well worth the entrance fee and more. But it wasn’t over yet! They exit the stage, leaving Brian alone to showcase his talents on the bass and the crowd went wild. Not to be upstaged, Tim, the showman of the band, rocked out on his guitar and blew the crowd away with his National Anthem rendition. WOW! The encore was a show stopper and I have no idea how Molly Hatchet followed them; because they owned the night.

I took many photos of the guys and other than occasional person getting in the way of my shot, they weren’t half bad. As a matter of fact, Mike stole several for his own Facebook page and has been sharing them with his friends and fans.

Needless to say, we had a great time. We laughed, we sang, we enjoyed the night. My son got a shirt and is already looking forward to their next performance. We’re hoping to catch a rehearsal or two with them at the Music Studio soon.

Blackfoot is leaving for Europe the first of December and we wish them good luck on their gig’s there. We just love’em. 🙂