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We are all free to make our own choices; however, we are not free from the consequences of those choices.

We have free will.  We can do whatever we want.  Heck, we can even kill someone if that is our desire; however, you are not free of the consequences of murdering someone, which is prison or even put to death.

We make choices everyday.  For me, if I make the choice to eat something with Cayenne pepper in it, the consequence of my decision will be that I get sick.  I know I can’t eat it without getting sick.  For me, it is not worth the choice.  I choose not to subject myself to this spice.

I am so tired of hearing about the wrong choices people make that lead to them being punished.  I’m tired of reading, hearing and seeing people make stupid choices and feeling that they are not responsible for what happens next.

It seems to me that we have raised a generation of people who feel that the laws of life don’t apply to them.  Have we really let our children believe that they can do what they want, when they want and it doesn’t matter if someone is right, wrong or indifferent, they don’t have to pay the price for their actions.

I, myself, have taught my son that he can choose whatever he wants; just that he has to see it through with whatever the actions have produced. I taught him to take responsibility for his action, whatever they may be.  I’ve also lead by example this concept; because I want him to know that I, myself, have to pay the price.

I only wish other parents had taught their children this lesson.

About irishgoddess1337

Retired Marine, Christian who survived Domestic Violence, living with Lupus, PTSD, Fibromyalgia, Migraine, TMJ, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Sleep Apnea and living my life for Jesus! I love music! My son plays drums in his band, The Offbeats! We live with two fur babies -- Honi & Teddy the Poms. I scrapbook, stamp and make rag dolls for fun! I've recently started acrylic painting and making jewelry. Life is good!

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